Joël Verschoot dominated Angouleme by winning 1-2-3-4-11-16-18th National(641 km)

Super Pigeon “Armando” from Joël Verschoot won 1th  National after winning already this year 2th National Limoges. In 2017 “Armando” was already 3th National Ace long distance KBDB and this year he will win 1e National Ace KBDB long distance. The Verschoot Team had a fantastic result on this last race.

1-3-4-35-55-78-82…National against 4564 old birds and 2-11-16-18-54-71-75-86-… National against 5088 yearling birds. Already years he use the Vanrobaeys Premium Power mix and the new Energy and Recovery drink HYP 100 with big success.


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