Kurt & Raf Platteeuw wins 1st and 2th National Tulle(607 km.) against 5323 pigeons

Week after week, Kurt & Raf Platteeuw had fantastic results on the national long distance races in Belgium but last weekend they had the best result in Belgium. Winning 1-2-24-31-32-42-43-44-45-... National. Not surprising that they have many Candidate National Ace pigeons. Certainly to be continued...
Their system is very simple : Platteeuw Special nr. 523 the whole week for the hens and youngbirds and last days before basketting extra Yellow Cribbs Maize nr. 78 and for the cocks Platteeuw Special nr. 523 beginning of the week and Premium Power Sport nr. 187 end of the week. HYP 100 the new Energy and Recovery drink day of basketting and return in the drinker


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Priester Coulonstraat 100
8930 Rekkem - Belgium
T +32 56 41 24 07